May 17, 2024
Boeing Shareholder Vote: ESG in action
Shareholder activism
in recent times has increasingly pushed for
greater transparency and accountability in companies’
ESG practices.
The legal framework
governing ESG reporting in India should further
incorporate a significant emphasis on human
rights compliance.
The intersection of
ESG and human rights underscores the importance
of collaborative efforts involving governments,
corporations, NGOs, and stakeholders to uphold
human rights and promote sustainable business
practices globally.
In the wake of Boeing’s shareholder meeting1,
a new spotlight has been cast on the intricate balance
between corporate Environmental, Social, and Governance
(ESG) commitments and human rights
practices. This discussion gains a significant dimension
when viewed from the Indian perspective, where ESG
compliance is becoming increasingly critical for
multinational corporations operating in the country.
Generally, ESG reporting for companies serves to
ensure that they undertake their operations responsibly
and are continually monitored in the process. Although
no universally accepted standard for ESG reporting
exists, various regional frameworks, voluntary standards,
and national legislations mandate such reporting.2
The ‘E’ in ESG stands
for environment and covers the actions a company
takes in relation to the environment and the related
disclosures. This includes measures undertaken by
a company to combat climate change, reduce carbon
emissions, preserve the environment (such as
improving air quality and preventing deforestation)
and responsibly managing waste.3
The ‘S’ in ESG stands
for social aspects of a company’s operations
and reflects the responsibility of the company towards
society at large. This includes measures undertaken
by companies to ensure equality among employees,
initiatives for greater inclusivity (such as
gender, BIPOC and LGBTQ+ initiatives) and efforts
to comply with human rights and labor standards.4
Lastly, the ‘G’
in ESG stands for governance and includes a company’s
internal controls and policies to address corruption
within its management. It also involves assessing
the overall efficiency of the corporate governance
structure, including the effectiveness of its board,
audit committees, shareholder rights etc.5
The recent instance of shareholder proposal at
Boeing’s Annual Meeting for an independent,
third-party audit of the company’s ESG compliance
in its annual report due to company’s operations
in China, particularly focusing on concerns over
human rights abuses in Xinjiang. This proposal,
submitted by the National Legal and Policy Centre
(NLPC), underscores the need for
transparency and accountability, urging Boeing’s
board of directors to commission and publish a third-party
review within the next year about its China operations.
This is a testament to how shareholder’s
activism in recent times is advocating for greater
transparency and accountability in companies’
ESG Practices.
From an Indian standpoint, Boeing’s situation
serves as a critical case study. Indian companies,
particularly those with international operations,
must navigate similar challenges. For instance,
Indian IT and manufacturing sectors often face scrutiny
over labor practices and environmental impacts,
necessitating robust ESG strategies. Consequently,
it is important to examine the ESG reporting framework
in India and suggest measures to address stakeholder
This article addresses the legal framework governing
ESG reporting in India and greater emphasis on human
rights compliance under ESG in recent times.
ESG Legal Framework in India:
In India, the ESG framework is not governed by
one single law or regulation. The Securities and
Exchange Board of India’s (‘SEBI’)
Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting
(‘BRSR’) guidelines
are the primary document governing ESG disclosure
in India. The BRSR framework has taken references
from many global reporting frameworks such as the
Global Reporting Initiative (‘GRI’),
the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (‘SASB’)
and the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial
Disclosures (‘TCFD’).6
BRSR is applicable to the Top 1000 listed companies
by market capitalization.
Further, SEBI’s Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Regulations (‘LODR’)
read with the Companies Act, 2013 (‘Companies
Act’) also mandate a business responsibility
report as a part of the annual report covering ESG
aspects for the Top 1000 listed companies by market
BRSR seeks disclosures from listed entities on
their performance against the nine principles of
the ‘National Guidelines on Responsible Business
Conduct’ (‘NGBRCs’)
and reporting under each principle is divided into
essential and leadership indicators. The Principles
are stated below;
Principle 1: Businesses
should conduct and govern themselves with integrity
and in a manner that is ethical, transparent and
Principle 2: Businesses
should provide goods and service in a manner that
is sustainable and safe.
Principle 3: Businesses
should respect and promote the well-being of all
employees, including those in their value chains.
Principle 4: Businesses
should respect the interests of and be responsive
to all its stakeholders.
Principle 5:
Businesses should respect and promote human
Principle 6: Businesses
should respect and make efforts to protect and restore
the environment.
Principle 7:
Businesses, when engaging in influencing public
and regulatory policy, should do so in a manner
that is responsible and transparent.
Principle 8:
Businesses should promote inclusive growth and equitable
Principle 9: Businesses
should engage with and provide value to their consumers
in a responsible manner.
The essential indicators are required to be reported
on a mandatory basis while the reporting of leadership
indicators is on a voluntary basis.8
BRSR also ensures a qualitative and standardized
disclosure, thereby helping investors make better
informed and ESG-friendly decisions.9
SEBI has also released BRSR ‘Core’
Guidelines on July 12, 2023. The BRSR Core identifies
new Key Performance Indicators (‘KPIs’)
beyond those identified in the Original BRSR guidelines
and the ESG Standards recognized therein.10
Further, the BRSR Core contains a limited set of
a total of nine key performance indicators covering
each of the E, S and G areas, for which listed entities
are required to obtain reasonable (external) assurance
to enhance its reliability and mitigate greenwashing.
The BRSR Core has been made applicable in a staggered
manner, starting from the Top 250 listed companies
in FY 2023-24 to the Top 1000 listed companies by
FY 2026-27.11 The BRSR Core Circular
also mandates disclosure of value chain, comprising
the top upstream and downstream partners of a listed
entity, cumulatively comprising 75% of its purchases
/ sales (by value) respectively.12
Thus, the legal framework governing the ESG responsibilities
of companies are modeled under different instruments.
ESG reporting is mandatory for the Top 1000 listed
companies and by 2027, they will also be required
to obtain reasonable (external) assurance on BRSR
KPIs. For companies not falling within this bracket,
ESG reporting becomes a largely voluntary endeavor.
ESG and Human Rights:
In recent years, India as well has seen increased
activism and regulatory pressure to address human
rights issues in supply chains. Companies like Tata
and Infosys have been lauded for their comprehensive
ESG disclosures, yet challenges remain, especially
in sectors like textiles and mining where labor
rights violations are more prevalent. Human rights
issues in supply chains have been uncovered in recent
times, as is evinced from the Boeing example above.
The balance between economic interests and ethical
obligations is a delicate one, and Boeing’s
stance illustrates the complexities involved. Not
only has the scope of human rights broadened in
recent times, there has also been a greater emphasis
on corporations to ensure compliance with human
rights in all their chains of operations.13
However, not only is it insufficient for companies
to ensure human rights compliance within the broad
range of their own operations, their alignment with
governments of the world which have been recurrently
accused of human rights violations has also been
brought under the spotlight.14
Arguably, the ‘S’ in ESG is said
to encompass the broad range of human rights. It
includes, for instance, the rights to life, freedom,
and security, to equality before the law, to be
free from torture and slavery, to be exempt from
forced labor, and to be free from discrimination
enumerated in the 1948 Universal Declaration of
Human Rights.15
Among other things, global supply chains offer
opportunities for development, employment, and growth.
However, they also witness abuses of human rights
such forced employment, child labor, and human trafficking.
Thus, it is crucial that all parties involved—including
the government, corporations, NGOs, and others—check
supply chains for potential violations of human
The landscape of ESG reporting is a dynamic and
evolving framework aimed at fostering responsible
corporate behavior. India’s approach, led
by SEBI’s BRSR guidelines, integrates global
best practices while addressing the unique needs
of its corporate ecosystem.
The recent introduction of the BRSR Core further
emphasizes the commitment to enhancing transparency
and accountability by mandating external assurance
for key performance indicators. Additionally, the
intersection of ESG and human rights is becoming
increasingly prominent, as seen in the heightened
scrutiny of supply chain practices. Collaborative
efforts involving governments, corporations, NGOs,
and other stakeholders are crucial to uphold human
rights and promote sustainable business practices
in the global economy.
The shareholder vote at Boeing demonstrates ESG
in action. The vote is likely to force discussion
on difficult issues having global ramifications
and has the ability to change the ways in which
long-standing business relationships evolve. The
outcome of Boeing’s shareholder vote could
set a precedent for multinational corporations,
including those in India, regarding how they address
ESG concerns linked to their international operations.
As Indian companies expand globally, they must be
prepared to face similar scrutiny and ensure their
ESG commitments are not merely superficial but deeply
integrated into their business practices. As India
continues to evolve as a major player in the global
economy, robust ESG practices will not only enhance
corporate reputation but also ensure long-term sustainability
and success.
Maulin Salvi and
Sahil Kanuga
You can
direct your queries or comments to the authors.
(The authors would like to acknowledge and
thank Dev Adwani, Fourth Year, BA.LLB (Hons.), West
Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences,
Kolkata, for his contribution to this article.)
7Regulation 34(2)(f) of the LODR Regulations.
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